Matthew Hotchen's reality » 2020 failure

2020 has been a difficult year for humanity. A deadly virus has plagued us and killed well over a million people already. We've been in lockdown, and faced uncertainty. Many have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet.

I've been comparitively lucky. I have a comfortable job that I can do from home, and the company I work for is reaching for success.

But this year I failed at some things. Small things. But failure hits me hard.

I failed to get my motorbike ready for a trip, then failed to execute a hiking trip in Gran Canaria. I felt completely defeated for months afterwards. Why am I such a loser? Why can I never do anything right? What's the point of trying?

Advice on failure is a bit washy, and not well suited to us mortals who feel bad for failing. It takes time to learn from failure. But when you do you realise it was worth it, because at the end of the day without failure you aren't trying hard enough. Success begins with failure.

Enjoy the pictures of my overly complicated day-trip to Gran Canaria.

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