Matthew Hotchen's reality » 2021-03 n. ireland

I visited my family in N. Ireland for the month of March 2021. I had old tyres on my motorbike so I had to replace them before the trip. I also worked remotely on this trip so I needed to prep for that.

This is my first motorbike and I've never changed tyres before (although I fixed punctures on my bicycle as a kid) but following the wisdom of the masses I managed to get it done.

I spent most of my riding time on the hills and along the coast in the north east of N. Ireland. I went to Omagh via The Sperrins during which I crossed a stream! I dropped my bike and struggled to get up the track on the other side. I'm also pretty sure I cut through someone's garden during which I nearly got hit in the head by heavy machinery.

There was a wide variety of things going on including dramatic weather, dramatic landscapes, tiny steep windy roads, an amazing coastal road, sheep, sheep on roads, amazing food, and friendly people. I plan to go back more. These were some of the finest roads I've ever been on.

I found the open source app OsmAnd to be all I needed to discover roads and scenary (there's a fully open source version available on the F-Droid store that includes more features than elsewhere). I would have liked to have done some sightseeing but with COVID-19 that wasn't much of an option.

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