Matthew Hotchen's reality » 2023-03-14 wwiii

Unfortunately this is not going to be a fun war for most people. It will have by far the most devastating effects on our world population, with unrivalled upheaval.

When a tactical nuclear arm goes off, it is difficult to de-escalate from there. De-escalation is a vital step to avoid starting a tit-for-tat nuclear war of attrition, with all the biggest players involved.

This is the war that hits where it hurts most, across the globe, with devastating consequences.

It is a very dangerous war, with even the world's elite and leaders—who are historically well protected from the dangers of war—dying at a rate never before seen in history.

How the war started gets lost in the moment, no-one understands how we got there, or how to stop it.

Fanatic psychopaths start seizing opportunity in the chaos and soon it's a war of annhilitation.

Eventually the attrition plays out and a leading side wins the war.

From here one can only expect the process for world peace finally begins, as a de-nuclear arms process is executed globally, paving way for further de-escalation until war is highly localised, then non-existant. It won't even take long.

With world peace comes a very rapid progression as boundaries world-wide are broken down at an astonishing rate. You thought the past 20 years have been insane.

But it isn't scary, the world stops being scary. We are not a threat to ourselves, or suspicious. The progress feels like progress. A "finally" moment when rapid positive change is made.

Unfortunately we have not reached a de-escalating stage as a civilisation, and with nuclear weapons stockpiled by an increasing number of nations, with increasing sophistication, and this capability unused and untested in 77 years, it seems inevitable that the consequences of this decision will be poorly understood and history long forgotten. All decisions thereafter about nuclear attacks will be entering unexplored territory with by far our most devastating weapons. Think WWI with nukes.

The outcome of conclusively reaching de-escalation without a single nuclear weapon being used since WWII feels like an impossibility.

All currently known nuclear states are at risk of rapid escalation as entire cities are annhilated. No country is safe, but these will be hit first and hardest. It will happen at an uncontrollable rate.
